1. How do you write HTML as text?
To display HTML code as text without rendering it as HTML, you can use HTML entities or wrap the code in a `<pre>` (preformatted) tag. Here are two approaches:
Method 1: Replace the characters `<` and `>` with their respective HTML entities (`<` and `>`). This prevents the browser from interpreting the code as HTML.
<title>My HTML Code</title>
<p>This is an example.</p>
Method 2. Using `<pre>` Tag:
Wrap your HTML code inside a `<pre>` tag. This tag preserves whitespace and line breaks, displaying the text exactly as it is written.
<title>My HTML Code</title>
<p>This is an example.</p>
Choose the method that best fits your needs. Using HTML entities is convenient when embedding code within other HTML content, while the `<pre>` tag is suitable for displaying standalone code blocks.
2. How do I Convert HTML to plain text?
To convert HTML to plain text, you can use various methods. Below are a couple of common approaches:
Method 1. Using JavaScript (Node.js):
If you're working in a Node.js environment, you can use a library like `html-to-text` to convert HTML to plain text. First, install the library using npm:
npm install html-to-text
Then, use the following code:
const htmlToText = require('html-to-text');
const html = '<p>This is <b>HTML</b> content.</p>';
const plainText = htmlToText.fromString(html, { wordwrap: 130 });
Method 2. Using Online Tools:
Several online tools allow you to convert HTML to plain text. Here's a simple method using the website `html2text.com`:
2. Paste your HTML code into the provided textarea.
3. Click the 'Convert to Text & copy' button.
4. Copy the resulting plain text.
Keep in mind that online tools might have limitations regarding the size of HTML they can process, and they may not handle complex HTML structures perfectly.
Choose the method that best suits your requirements, depending on your development environment and the specific HTML content you are working with.
3. How do I Convert HTML to text in Word?
In Microsoft Word, you can convert HTML to plain text by pasting the HTML content into a Word document and then applying the "Keep Text Only" paste option. Here are the steps:
Step 1. Open Microsoft Word.
Step 2. Copy the HTML content you want to convert to text.
Step 3. In your Word document, position the cursor where you want to paste the text.
Step 4. Use one of the following methods to paste the HTML content:
- Right-click at the insertion point and choose "Keep Text Only" from the context menu.
- Go to the "Home" tab, click the arrow under "Paste," and select "Keep Text Only."
Step 5. The pasted content will now be in plain text format, without any HTML formatting.
Please note that this method removes all formatting, including links and images.
If you need to retain some formatting, you may need to use a more advanced method or tool for converting HTML to formatted text. And, the accuracy of the conversion may depend on the complexity of the HTML content.